Adding or averaging epistemic utilities?
Suppose for simplicity that everyone is a good Bayesian and has the same
priors for a hypothesis *H*, and also the same epistemic interests with
respect ...
1 day ago
Hi JT,
I just wanted you to know that I've added your blog to my bookmarked pages. I am working with Dale on Trinitarian Beliefs and I am trying to soak up all the philosophical...uh...stuff that I can.
Thanks for adding your voice.
Hi Joel, great to meet more people working on this stuff. All this philosophical stuff really hurts my head! What's your blog?
I am trying to decide whether I should blog or not. I feel like a child when it comes to this level of philosophy... especially about trinitarian theories. When I do (if I do) blog, I will let you know. Until then, I will keep up with yours and continue to frequent
Head pain seems to be a common experience associated with these topics.
I know the feeling!
I wish there were more discussions of the trinity which were very carefully and clearly written.
There are only a few examples I can think of, actually.
1. Brower and Rea's piece on material constitution and the trinity.
2. Richard Cross's articles 'On Generic and Derivation Views of the Trinity' and 'Two Models of the Trinity?'
These few pieces have been very helpful for my own understanding of some of the 'issues' and 'problems'.
i've got the count at 1 million - ã
Thanks for the examples! I will read them soon.
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